Wills and estate planning are not just about a will when you are alive and when you go away, it includes review, management, and control of your personal, family and business matters. Estate planning is as simple as a Will, but often includes attorney’s strengths, guardian conservation, and sometimes more powers.
The process of passing assets after death (including business entities) is one of the most necessary decisions a person makes during his lifetime. Wills and estate planning lawyers understand your situations and can help you to establish the right property plan.
Estate planning is a three-part process:
1. Identify your personal assets and your extensive assets such as jointly owned properties, or trusts, companies, advocates or ownership by insurance.
2. Identifying potential risks, about which you want to plan, while surviving and after you include, for example, your initial death or possible beneficiary’s divorce or bankruptcy.
3. Working with your lawyer, financial planner and accountant and designing and implementing an ideal plan that covers all your properties and flexibility of the account to adjust future changes, risk reduction, tax reduction and succession issues take into.
Depending on the complexity of your personal and financial matters, each phase may include a multi-disciplinary practice, which may require coordination of your financial planning, accounting, and legal advisors.
The Deceased Estate Lawyers Perth, work closely with your key advisors such as your accountants, financial and insurance advisers. This ensures that all your business succession arrangements are best suited for legal, financial, tax and insurance purposes.
The expertise and assistance of Wills and Estate Planning Lawyers will provide you with the means to make informed decisions about any property related concern. We work with our clients to ensure that their individual value and the desired business, goals and strategies are fully incorporated.